Village Literacy Rehabilitation

People living in targeted villages are desperate and illiterate. They are destined to be nothing, destined to become nothing, and destined to have nothing in the eyes of their neighbors. They usually live on the outskirts of their villages or in slums. Their children do not attend school.

Their typical dwellings are 6′ x 10′ and made of mud walls and bamboo sticks that hold up a roof made of leaves. Many huts have no electricity, and no beds or toilets. Five to eight people will live together in one of these huts.


  • Economic loss and poverty.

  • Staggering health problems with much sickness and disease.

  • Absence of population control.

  • Exploitation on all levels.

  • Spiritual deprivation.

Our Goals

Empower students to become agents of change and examples for surrounding villages

Rehabilitate entire villages through literacy, awareness of social issues, economic, behavioral, family, spiritual, and community uplift.

Transformation of people living in the villages as physical, social, economic, and behavior dimensions of their lives are dramatically improved.


Dr. Joyce Scott, a 50-year missionary, developed a literacy ministry in which classes meet 2 hours per night, 5 nights per week for 10 months. When people complete this course, many can read at a 5th grade level.

As they practice reading they also learn about:

  • Basic health and personal hygiene.

  • Nutrition and proper diet.

  • Community sanitation.

  • Family relationships.

  • Pre- and Post- natal care.

  • Self-help skills resulting in financial improvement.

  • Political rights.

  • Government programs for the poor.

  • AIDS prevention, leprosy care, and alcoholism recovery

Each graduate receives a book of their own after completing the class.

The literacy primers are available in all 17 major languages in India.

Since 1984, our indigenous partner has partnered with over 600 churches and social organizations in 29 states and 7 union territories in India to promote literacy, empowerment, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth among the illiterates.

Results of Literacy Program

As the literacy program completes in a village, noticeable differences can be witnessed including:

  • Sanitation and health are improved.

  • Knowledge of rights improves living conditions.

  • Less physical and emotional abuse occurs.

  • Students learn forestry and plant trees.

  • Children go to school, and there is a decrease in child labor.

  • Pride in self and community coming from knowing each person is of value.

  • Decrease in number of child marriages.

Why should You support a Literacy Rehabilitation Project?

Highly Personalized

You, your church, or your organization can be responsible for the rehabilitation of your own specific village in South Asia. The program is tracked on a regular basis and annual reports are sent to you.

GTi HOPE - Support Literacy

The success rate is phenomenal

Approximately 90% of students in the Literacy classes complete the 10-month program.

The program multiplies itself

30% are formally involved in the ‘Each One Teach One’ program. Each person becoming literate in India will impact 5 others to become literate, perpetuating education.

GTi HOPE - Support Sewing Machines

Literacy courses teach students to help themselves

Self-help skills are taught along with basic instruction in finance. Daily wages increase 40% after literacy.

Helps downtrodden women

The majority of students are female.

Basic health instruction is given to prevent disease

The World Health Organization has said in 5 years India will have more cases of AIDS than any other nation in the world.

Moral, Ethical, & Social Improvement

Contact us for details about attitude, behavior, and social improvement.


Rehabilitate a village through literacy, economic and spiritual development.

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