VBS Impacts Children

Our indigenous partner provides children the opportunity to learn morals, ethics and spiritual  principles through VBS.

Children go to VBS for 7 to 10 days in May. They learn songs, dances, drama, and sports. They also learn about peace, hope, joy, and love. Snacks and lunch are also provided for all participants.

Our goal is to send

children to VBS each year

Current funding allows 300,000 children to attend VBS each year.  $1.00 sponsors a child for VBS.  Your children can help send children on the other side of the world to VBS through tithing from their allowance, collecting recyclables, and other creative methods.

Challenge: Churches, Private Schools, and Home Schoolers

Do your children love VBS? Do they love missions?

Your church can multiply the number of children attending VBS in India in May! The children of your church can invite children in India to experience VBS. Every $1.00 sponsors a child in India for VBS. Suggestions for making a difference for good include:

  1. Add $1 to $5 to the registration fees for VBS or Youth Camps – each registration will sponsor 1 or more children for VBS in South Asia.
  2. Challenge the children at your VBS program to sponsor children during the week of VBS.
  3. Teach children the value of tithing and the Great Commission by encouraging Sunday School offerings to sponsor children for VBS.
  4. Challenge Month for private schools and Home Schoolers – choose a month and have a competition between the different grade levels at your school or Home School group to see which class can invite the most children to VBS!

Contact us if you would like access to slides, videos, and other material to supplement VBS and or Sunday School programs.


Every dollar sends a child to VBS. How many can you send?

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